The mystery of the Word of God written in our hearts

Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart (2 Corinthians 3:3 KJV)

ink of the Spirit showing a fountain pen on paper

Paul explains to us an astonishing mystery of the relationship between the Word of God and the Holy Spirit within the Trinity. God has written His Word or in this case words in our hearts. How did He do that? Please reread 2 Cor. 3:3 again above at this time before continuing. 

It says God has written a letter in our hearts not with ink but with the Holy Spirit and He did not write on tablets of stone but on human hearts. The imagery here is comparing the giving of the Law upon Mt Sinai and the  10 commandments that God wrote using His own finger on stone tablets. Today, He writes  His words, not on stone tablets, but on human hearts. He did not use ink but His Holy Spirit! Think of the astonishing implication of this for a second. 

What is the relationship between ink and the words that are written with the ink? We use the ink(pens) to carve out letters. In other words, the letters which form the words are just an expression of the ink that has been arranged in a certain way. The letters are not different from the ink. They are just what the ink is expressing!

God writes His words in our hearts by giving us His Spirit. God’s Word is in your mouth, because you have the Spirit. His Spirit in your heart is the divine ink that carves out the words of God in your life and mouth! You are born of the Spirit, and of the Word. Walk and speak the Word! 


Think for a minute on the mystery spoken above. Ponder upon it until you fully gran its meaning.


You are prophetic by birth. You have the Word of God in your spirit and so able to speak by the Spirit. All you need to do is to grow and be trained in the Word! Be couscous of this reality. Live and talk like God does!


Thank the Lord for the wonderful gift of His Holy Spirit. 

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