Emotional Healing for Broken Hearts

The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; Because the LORD … hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted… (Isaiah 61:1, KJV)

The Father anointed Jesus to bind up those whose hearts have been broken; this binding is emotional healing. But what are broken hearts, and why bother about emotional healing?

A broken heart is simply the human heart that has been injured. The heart has two parts—the spirit and the soul—but it functions in this world as one unit made up of our thoughts, emotions, and will. Broken is a state produced by an injury or trauma. Think of a broken glass plate. There is always something(the damage) that causes the glass to break into pieces. Therefore a  broken heart is the state of our hearts after it sustains an injury in life. Injuries can range from significant mistakes, failures, relationship turmoil, betrayals, disappointments, painful events, etc.

There are three significant reasons God pays attention to broken hearts. First, a broken heart leads to a broken life and spreads that brokenness to everyone around. Second, a broken heart is hostile toward the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to have a healthy fellowship with the Holy Spirit with vices within such sin, bitterness, hurt, hate, offense, or fear. Third, as broken hearts hinder fellowship with God, they facilitate demonic activity.

Emotional healing can take several forms depending on the injury and the broken part of the heart. If we are buried in shame from our prior faults and mistakes, Christ has the grace to heal that. If we have lost hope in life and are so discouraged that we see nothing bright anymore, Christ specializes in giving life to dead, dry bones. If you have been so offended or hurt inside that for many years, you have suffered from pain in your heart, maybe secretly, Christ has forgiveness for you and would strengthen you to forgive others. No matter the form of emotional treatment we need, we can be sure that medications, illicit drugs, or denial cannot treat broken hearts.

God specially anointed Christ to heal our broken hearts. There can be no healthy spiritual life with a broken heart, so let us allow the Spirit to bring that emotional healing in any form we need.

Read more: Keep thy Heart with all Diligence.

What is emotional healing?

Is there any expression of a broken heart in your life? It could be fear, anxiety, depression, bitterness, discouragement, loss of joy in life, etc. Let us always go to the Lord and allow Him to bring the emotional or mental healing we need.

Ask the Father to help us identify and deal with any expression of a broken heart in us. 

Read more

Spiritual Heart Attacks
The Hidden Man of the Heart.
The Two Tablets of the Human Heart.
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