Provisions in God’s Presence

For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand: he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness: these forty years the LORD thy God hath been with thee; thou hast lacked nothing (Deut. 2:7 KJV).

Provisions from God image showing a grocery shopping lane

Moses made the remarkable statement above to the Israelites and said, ” . . . these forty years the LORD thy God hath been with thee; thou hast lacked nothing.” Yes, you read it right. They lacked nothing for 40 years in a desert!

The Lord wants us to trust completely in His ability to provide for all of our needs. Your trust in God’s provision is His antidote in your life against anxiety and worry. In fact, whenever we worry about our needs in life we are declaring our lack of trust in God’s ability to provide for us. Worry is the voice of unbelief and distrust in God’s providence in our lives.

His providence is not only limited to spiritual things. He is able to meet all our needs, both spiritual and physical. Some Christians find it easy to believe that God forgives their sins, but quite hard to believe that God can make provision to care for their financial needs.

The scripture above reminds us that our God is able to meet every need, in any place and for any duration of time. If He did it for at least two million Jews who left Egypt for a desert in the middle of nowhere and stayed there for 40 years, then He will certainly meet your needs today.


What are the two most important physical needs for anyone in a dry desert? How did God make provision for these needs while the Israelites journeyed in the desert?


There is no greater evidence of telling God that we trust Him than to cease worrying. Do the Word today, and “be anxious for nothing” (Phil. 4:6.)


Thank the Lord for His wonderful provision in our lives. Pray for the grace to trust in and rely on Him at all times without worrying.

Recommended Read: Jehovah Jireh is your Father!

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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