Blessed Shalt Thou Be in the City

Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field (Deut. 28:3 KJV)

The first 14 verses of Deut. 28 describe the blessings that God promised the nation of Israel if they obey His commandments. He says they will be blessed in the city, and blessed in the fields. That is, wherever they found themselves,  whether at home or in the fields working, blessings will follow and overtake them! ( Deut. 28:2).

What does it mean to be blessed in the first place? When God blesses a man or woman, He speaks good things about them. When God speaks, creation adjusts itself to fulfill His words. When God blessed Adam and Eve in the Garden, He did not organize a “blessing ceremony.” He blessed them by SPEAKING to them. That is when He said to them “be fruitful and multiply…”, those words were the blessing because everything about their life responded to ensure that they are fruitful and multiply as God has SPOKEN!

There are spiritual and natural or earthly blessings. The blessings mentioned above in  Deut. 28 were earthly blessings. The Israelites could not enjoy the spiritual blessings we enjoy today because Christ had not yet come. Nevertheless, the earthly blessings are still essential for us here and now. 

As God spoke to Israel, so He has spoken well about you in Christ. God has said to you, that all things are yours!! You are blessed in the city, where you live or work and you are blessed in the field! By extension, whatever field of life you are working in, God has said you are already blessed in it! Remember, these are earthly blessings, so do not try to over-spiritualize them. Yes, our spiritual blessings far exceed the earthly blessings but these earthly blessings still have their place.

At home, your family will flourish. Your finances will abound. Your health will blossom. You are the head in that department of work and not the tail whatever your hands touch will increase and multiply. Believer in Christ, God has spoken things about you which are better than those spoken about Israel in the Old Testament.  Heaven is saying it is well with you!! Can you believe? Can you put His Word to work?


Do you see the relationship between the Word of God and the blessing of God as described above? If not, please re-read this devotional because it is so important you understand it.


The Blessing of God is in His Word. The moment you decide to become a doer of the Word, you have intentionally put your life on a course of endless success. This book of the law must not depart from your mouth but you should meditate on it day and night and be careful to be a doer of what you read! ( Joshua 1:8). Stop crying for blessings. You are already blessed in Christ. All that is left is for you to walk in the Word!


Ask the Lord to help you walk in the blessings in every aspect of your life. 

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