Christ is King, not a President

Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus (Acts 17:7 KJV).

Christ Jesus is King

Jesus Christ is King over the entire universe. Our Lord reigns over the things in heaven, and on the earth. He was born to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth. He came to bring the rule of heaven to the earth again.

Even in the moments we spend celebrating Christmas, we must remember that Jesus is no longer a baby. There as a time He was “Baby Jesus”, but not anymore! He is Master, King, and Lord. He wants our willing, complete, and total surrender to Him. We find real life only when Jesus is our personal Savior, Lord, and King.

It’s even more important to understand that Christ is not a president, but a King. In our modern era, we are no longer familiar with the concept of kings and kingdoms. Modern culture shifted the paradigm from rulers as kings to leaders as presidents, or prime ministers. What is the difference between a king and a president?

A king has total and absolute authority, and does whatever he pleases. A president is limited by the laws governing the nation. A president does not have the sovereignty of a king. Jesus is not a president. He is the King of kings. Christianity is not a democracy, where we discuss what we think, and want to do, with God. It is a life of total submission and yielding to Christ, as our Lord and our King.


Did God originally plan for man to rule as king or queen over another with absolute authority (1 Sam. 8:7)? What typically happens when a person has absolute authority over others?


Is Christ is a king or president to you? Christmas celebrates not just the Savior, but the One born to be the King. Let Him be the King He is, and your life will be sweet and safe.


Ask the Lord for grace to yield to Him completely, as your King, this season.

Recommended Read: Receive all of Jesus

Foundational Read: What is a Daily Devotional?

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