The Savior is Born
“Today your Savior is born in the city of David. He is Christ the Lord” (Lk. 2:11 NET).
The joy of Christmas comes from the birth of the Savior. The more we recognize our need for a Savior, and the freedom that has come to us from His coming, the greater our celebration of the season. Humanity’s nightmare is sin, with all that follows it. The effects of sin cannot be ignored for a split second. Some might choose never to call it sin, but it remains what it is.
Sin has brought pain, grief, guilt, absence of peace, condemnation, Satanic oppression, suffering, and above all else, eternal destruction in hell. Sin overpowers us, holding us beyond our will. The bondage of sin is in doing what hurts us, which we want to stop but are unable to find the power to take control of. Man needs a Savior. God has rescued us by a Savior, someone who will do for us what we are unable to do for ourselves. Jesus Christ was born so that He could die on the cross as a man to pay the penalty for all the sins that humanity had, and will ever commit. We no longer need to fear coming to God. The Savior is born!
Think carefully about the term “your” in the verse above. He is YOUR Savior.
Thank the Lord and praise Him for sending a savior into the world.
“Today your Savior is born in the city of David”! It is a moment of celebration. Intentionally take a quick mental break throughout this day and consciously remember the reason you are celebrating. Then be glad, rejoice, and thank the Lord for sending a savior into the world. Not only have you been guaranteed freedom and peace with God, but this freedom has been fully paid for by your Savior and given to you!
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