Beware of what you receive today
He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, (Jn. 1:11-12 NAS)
Jesus came to His own people, the jews, and they did not receive Him. However, there were many others who received Him. How did they receive Him? The last part of the verse tells us ” who believe in His name”. So the Jews who did not receive Him did so by NOT believing in Him. Believing is receiving. Whatever you believe, you receive into your world and it is only a matter of time for it to show up.
The verse above teaches us something very profound. We have the ability to receive or reject in our lives by our ability to believe. God has given us this ability “to reject” to use against the things He has not given to us which come our way. Whatever we accept is empowered to stay and becomes a mountain in our lives. This is so critical for us to grasp. Satan has already won the victory the moment he success to convince you to accept any situation in your life-be it a challenge in your finance, relationship, body, career, etc. It gets worse if he succeeds to deceive us to believe that it is the will of God. There are “subtle” lies we believe without realizing that we are accepting things into our world God did not give us. Do not accept sickness in your body, no matter how small or big it is. Do not accept that you are a failure. Do not accept that wealth is not for you. Do not accept that God’s anointing is not for you. Do not accept that your past life makes you unusable in God’s hands. It is the truth that sets us free every day, including today. Reject all lies, and do not empower them to become mountains in your life by accepting them.
The truth above is something you should meditate on again and again until it has soaked your entire spirit.
Ask the Father to show you areas in your life that you have accepted things and made them become mountains without realizing it.
Look beneath all the fears and anxieties you have today and you will probably discover that there is a lie you have accepted and received into your world. I remember once I was so tense and pressured and when I asked the Lord to show me why. He made me see that I was “worried I will not have the money I needed” to meet up with a need that was coming up.Instantly, I saw the lie that was beneath my fear. The truth was that God has said He will provide all my needs-all. I had subtlety accepted a lie that was showing up as fear and anxiety. Search your own heart and life today and clean your house of lies.
Recommended Read: Oneness with Christ
Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?