Oneness with Christ

He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him (Jn. 6:56 KJV).

Oneness with Christ image showing one white rose flower

One of the most outstanding revelations about what Jesus has done for us is our oneness with Christ. The Lord has become completely united and one with His people. A remarkable illustration of this truth is in Acts 9:4 when Jesus told Paul he was persecuting Him, rather than the believers. Jesus called the believers “Me”.

The very words we use to describe the Church as the Body of Christ  are profound though we often look at them  superficially. Christ and His people have become one. But what does that mean?

The Apostle John above gives us a description of this mystery that is revealed with the words of Jesus “dwelleth in me, and I in him”. The believer is “in Christ” and Christ dwells in the believer. He in us, we in Him! We are in Him to partake of His divine nature. When you say you are “in Christ”, what  that means is that He has brought you into Himself to partake of what He is. He has become your identity. And not only that, but He dwells in you, making you His permanent home on the earth( or “body”) to live through you as you. God has become immersed in our very being, to express His beauties and excellencies as us and through us. That means when God wants to speak on the earth, He will speak when you open your mouth to speak! The Lord has made us to be one with Him.


This is such a deep and foundational truth that a short piece of devotional cannot fully explore. Please reread the devotional above as often as needed to ensure you have fully understood it.


I encourage you to take a step further to study this topic for yourself. However, for the moment,  be conscious of who you are. God is in your very being as a believer, one with you.


Thank the Lord for bringing you into His glory by His great love and grace.

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