A Secret Confession: an “Addiction I Struggle with”

How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (Ps. 119:103 KJV)

Addiction showing the letters of the word

I met a man who disclosed to him that he was a Christian but was struggling with alcohol addiction. When I asked if he wanted us to pray about this addiction, he said the unexpected to me, that he knows every other man or woman out there is dealing with one addiction or another. This brother’s experiences had significantly distorted his view of the Christian life. In his world, everyone he had met, including Christians, was struggling with one addiction or another.  That was his world, and it was an entirely different world from mine. However, he had a point, and he was right because I certainly have an addiction, but not the kind of addiction he was dealing with.

The Psalmist says above that God’s words are sweet to his taste, and even sweeter than honey to his mouth! That is my addiction—the Word and His presence. I mean, literally!  I cannot live on a daily basis without a fresh pouring of the  Word in my spirit.  If I do, I get restless and start having withdrawals!! This has become my life for more than 15 years now. The only regret I have is that I did not start earlier, but praise be to the Lord who is our Shepherd!

Brethren crave the Word of God and His presence. Be addicted to Him, and every other addiction will lose its power over you. He says do not be drunk with wine but be filled with the Spirit( Eph. 5:18). The scripture also tells of the household of Stephanas that “they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints” (1 Cor. 16:15 KJV).  There is a holy addiction that will not destroy you but will beautify your life with God’s glory!


Do you have a godly passion and desire for the things of the Spirit?


I have found out that you cannot fake practical desire for spiritual things. If it is not there, it is not there. But there is something you can do about it. Start by asking the Spirit to put a holy passion and desire for Him in your heart. Then nurture your heart in His presence and in His Word continuously. The Word in your heart will create the desire by itself if you will take those first steps to get it in. It’s your turn!


Ask the Lord to help you create an ever-increasing desire in your spirit for more of His Word and presence in your life.

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