Be of good courage, and do it

Arise; for this matter belongeth unto thee: we also will be with thee: be of good courage, and do it (Ezra 10:4 KJV)

Spirit of faith showing a man walking on lightning in the air!

Ezra, the Jewish scribe who returned from captivity in Babylon to Jerusalem, faced a crisis when he arrived in Israel.  The people were transgressing the Law A few Jewish leaders who were around him spoke to him with the words recorded in the verse above and said:

“Arise, for this matter belongeth unto thee: we also will be with thee: be of good courage, and do it”.

It was a challenging task but they told him to be of good courage and do it. These words are fully applicable to us today. Some of us  might be facing situations that require us  to make difficult and challenging decisions, yet we  know it is God’s will. The Lord says, “be of good courage, and do it”. For others, it might mean picking up the phone and ending that ungodly relationship that is dragging you down in every aspect of your life. You fear what will happen if you end the relationship yet you know your life is not getting better. Yes, be of good courage and do it.

In fact, for some of us, it may be a business endeavor that seems to be too big. The Lord says, be of good courage, and do it!


What does it mean to be of good courage? What area of your life do you need good courage to move on because fear seems to be holding you back?


The Lord is encouraging us today to be of good courage and do whatever we know is the right thing to do. Is it that bad habit or addiction that makes you fear what will happen if you stop? Well, be of good courage and do it for the Lord is with you. Do not be frightened by God’s plan or destiny for your life. Be of good courage, and do it!


Ask the Spirit to fill you with boldness and courage to do His will. 

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