It Is Good For Us To Be Here

 . . . and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light . . . Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; (Matt. 17:2-4 NKJ)

Presence of God, illustrated with a hand drawing the word presence

Jesus had taken Peter, James, and John to a mountain and became transfigured before them.

They were brought into the manifest presence of God on the earth. Peter, as always, spoke up very quickly and said “Lord, it is good for us to be here.” This statement meant they should not go down anymore from the mountain, but should relocate to living perpetually in the mountain! Why? God’s presence!

Many of you reading this have probably experienced a glimpse of what Peter felt. His presence is so sweet and there is nothing comparable to it. His presence is not always felt in that tangible way as Peter did, and it is vital for us to understand that.

God’s presence is our eternal inheritance. It is rest, peace, and joy for us. There is security and wholeness, without any trace of fear. There is an overwhelming sense of His love in His presence.

As a believer, you are the Temple of the Presence of God. He wants you to cultivate that presence practically each day by continual fellowship with Him in prayer and the Word. His presence requires sanctification and a lifestyle of holiness. When you have known God’s presence, you will prefer to die rather than live without it. That is how sweet and fulfilling it is! You are an answer to Peter’s request to stay in the mountain perpetually. You have been brought upon Mount Zion forever!


Declare that, “I am a carrier of the Presence of God 24/7.”


Develop a consciousness of His abiding and manifest presence today. Remember as many times as you can that God is with you, and give Him thanks for it.


Thank the Lord for the blessing of His presence as an inheritance in your life.

Recommended Read: Sinking in God’s presence

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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