What Is the Blessing of the Lord?

“And I will make them and the places around My hill a blessing. And I will cause showers to come down in their season; they will be showers of blessing.” (Ezek. 34:26 NASB)

Rain is everything to a farmer in the land of Israel.The early rain in fall in the land of Palestine makes the ground soft for farming, and the later rain in early spring causes the crops to grow for harvest. Famine is often brought about by the absence of rain, which makes the ground dry, hostile, and unproductive. Likewise, the blessing of the Lord does to our lives what rain does to a piece of ground.

The scripture above uses the term “showers of blessing” to describe this concept.

The blessing of the Lord is a spiritual endowment from God that causes the earth to be healthy and productive. Life becomes green and flourishing with the blessing of God. Abraham was a man who was blessed of God, and wealth, health, protection, and long life were his! God has blessed you as well in Christ Jesus!


Think carefully on the verse above. Declare that your life is showered with the blessings from above.


Thank the Lord for the blessing of God at work in your life because of the work of Christ.


God blesses you by speaking to you. His blessing is His Word and Spirit! You activate the blessing by activating the Word in faith. Ignite God’s blessing today by doing what the Word says. His blessing is His Word! What has God said about your family or business circumstances? Look for it, and DO IT!

Rexommended Read: Wilderness to a Garden

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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