Obed-Edom’s kingdom-shaking prosperity

And the ark of the LORD continued in the house of Obed-edom the Gittite three months: and the LORD blessed Obed-edom, and all his household (2 Samuel 6:11 KJV)

David decided to bring the Ark of God into Jerusalem shortly after the LORD established him as king. As the Ark was being transported, it stumbled and Uzzah stretched his hands and held the Ark from falling. Well, it was a fatal mistake and he fell down dead. David was so scared to have the Ark with him that he decided to leave it with a man along the way. That man’s name was Obed-edom.

Obed-edom was not an Israelite. He was a Philistine from Gath. David decided to leave the Ark with a foreigner. After three months, David got some news that had shaken the neighborhood. Obed-edom’s wealth had grown so much within 3 months that everyone could tell it was divine prosperity because of the Ark. 2 Sam. 6:12 says “so David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom into the city of David with gladness”. 

There are many intriguing lessons and questions from this passage. Let me focus on one of them. The Ark of God in the house of Obed-edom impacted his finances. The Ark was God’s Presence amongst the Israelites. It was a shadow of His Presence. Today, God’s real Presence is in you, the Person of the Holy Spirit. If the Ark in Obed-edom’s house prospered him financially to the extent he became a national financial figure, probably reported in the “Jerusalem Times” newspaper then, should we expect anything less with the actual Presence of God within us today?

God’s Presence is like the showers of blessing that cause the earth to become exceedingly fruitful.


What you think was the reason why David left the Ark with a Philistine after the Uzzah incident? NB. No reason is explicitly given in the text.


Being a practical carrier of God’s Presence is not cheap. It is not the same as carrying the anointing or some spiritual gift such as power for miracles or prophecy. God’s holy Presence requires holiness, separation, devotion and fellowship. Many Christians have a glimpse of God’s practical Presence for a few minutes during worship on Sundays. Many do not know that you can live practically 24/7 in that atmosphere. Once you taste it, you will NEVER be satisfied with anything else. It will change everything about you, including your finances, as it did for Obed-edom! Let the Ark of God flourish in your life and in your home! 


Thank the LORD for the gift of His Holy Presence in your life. Ask the Spirit to help you grow in the fellowship of His Presence. 

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