Fill Your Clouds with Rain

 If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth  (Eccl. 11:3 KJV)

Clouds full of rain

King Solomon says in Eccl. 11:3 above that if the clouds are full of rain, they will empty themselves upon the earth. Please pause and ponder upon this statement for a second. When clouds are full, they pour out rain. Rain in scripture often depicts the blessing of God that causes the trees of the earth(people) to blossom and flourish.

God wants you to have the clouds over your life full of rain. It will eliminate your human struggles and frustrations. When those clouds are full and empty themselves over your life, you will blossom in everything that concerns you. The heavens were opened when Jesus was sent to the earth. When He left, the heavens opened again when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon us from heaven. Since then, the heavens have remained opened over you! It is your turn to fill your clouds with rain. How do you do that? 

The scriptures give us one clear example to teach us how to fill our clouds and provoke rain to fall on our land. James said:

Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are….. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit (Jas. 5:17-18 KJV).

Prayer fills the clouds with rain and subsequently lead to a downpour when those clouds are full. Fill your clouds with, and you will reap the benefits.


What are the effects of rain on the earth? ( Eze. 34:26-27).  


We will fully understand why we should pray to a God that is all-knowing when we cross over into eternity. Until then, no prayer, no rain. There is tremendous pressure on our lives, and the prayer is often the first thing that is kicked out. Be spiritually wise. Pray, pray and pray.


Ask the Lord to pour upon you a fresh spirit of prayer from this day forward. 

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