What is the Armor of God?
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11 KJV)

As a young Christian, I remember praying in church and making gestures to put on the armor of God, such as taking the sword of the Spirit or shield of faith. Sadly, such practices can erode our understanding of what the armor of God is if taken out of context. Although many Christians know about the armor of God, many do not understand what this armor truly means in everyday life.
The key to unlocking the practical meaning of the armor of God is recognizing the metaphor of clothing hidden in this verse. There are two clues to the idea of clothing. First is the verb “put on,” meaning to clothe ourselves or dress. The second clue is the term “armor.” An armor is military attire—it is clothing for war, combining the idea of clothing and that of a weapon.
So, what does clothing symbolize in this context? Clothes represent the first thing people notice when they look at us. Spiritually, God intends to use clothing here to convey the idea of character—an outward, visible aspect of us. This is why the Bible also uses the same metaphor of clothing for the body(2 Corinthians 5:1-3).
So, to put on the armor of God, we behave or act in the way God has directed us. Our armor is our character, the way we think, speak, and act.
With this foundational idea of clothing as character, we move on to the military aspect, the weapon. The armor is not just clothing but military clothing for war, not some party dress or sportswear. And here is a crucial truth: the idea of armor to fight against the enemy means God is saying the way you think, act, and speak has an effect on Satan and demons. This is so powerful that I encourage you to pause and think about it. The way we think can block Satan or allow him access to your life. What we say can hurt Satan like a sword that pierces someone.
So when God says, “Put on the whole armor of God,” He means we should live according to His instructions, which can destroy Satan’s activities or protect us from them.
What is the armor of God in your own words? Are you fully clothed for war?
Apply the Word
Put on God’s armor—live as He has commanded you. Put on the new man, the new character, essentially putting on Christ.
Ask the Spirit of the Lord to help you understand the armor of God, believe what God says about it, and put it on wholly at all times.
Recommended Reading
- The Battleground of Spiritual Warfare
- What is the Shield of Faith?
- The prince of the power of the air:how Satan rules over human beings
- How Jesus Changed Spiritual Warfare on Earth and in the Heavens
- The Fierce Battle for Your Devotional Life
- All Deshen Daily Devotionals
Thank you for your site bringing God’s word to us this particular instructions of Ephesian covers us from the Evil one and also to fight against the Evil that he bring against God’s people. I pray that God’s children will arm themselves day and night so that our lives will be offered to God alone and make living pleasant until we go to meet out Father in heaven. In Jesus Name. He has provided us with all the weapon to protect ourselves Thank you Jesus. GOD AND ME IS A MAJORITY.
Amen! Praise the Lord! Thanks for sharing that Joan.