What is the Shield of Faith?

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked (Ephesians 6:16, KJV)

The Apostle Paul presents the believer in Eph. 6  above as dressed up in the complete armor of God to resist, attack, and overcome the enemy. He presents faith as the shield that we hold to defend ourselves from the attacks of the enemy. He says faith quenches, that is, puts out the flames and neutralizes the fiery arrows that Satan sends against us. What does this shield represent in our daily Christian walk? 

One of the problems with the understanding of the armor of God in Ephesians 6 is that many believers remain the world of the symbolism of the weapons and never get to understand practically what it means to them on a day to day basis. Faith as a shield essentially implies the Word of God that you KNOW, BELIEVE and LIVE BY is enough to silence anything and everything Satan throws at you. That is if you accept what the scripture says is true, such as “no weapon formed against you shall prosper” and you STAND on that without wavering, anything Satan tries to do against you will fail. I pray and desire all of us will understand and believe what you have just read!

God is saying the things you know and accept in your heart have power enough to keep Satan away. What would you think Satan will try to do if he is attacking an enemy that has a shield in his hand?  He will probably try to take that shield away by every means possible. Once Satan succeeds to cast doubts and uncertainty in your heart about God or what He has said about you, then the shield is out of your hands, and you are open and vulnerable to His attacks. There is a reason why our warfare is called “the fight of faith.” Your faith is a prime target. Hold tight to that shield.


How does faith practically protect you from Satan’s attacks? Do you believe in the armor of God, that it will do what God says it will do?


It was a remarkable revelation to me when the Lord showed me that what I accept as true( that is to believe) in His Word has power enough to stop Satan.  I became even more intentional to ensure my heart believes the right things in the Word. You may be surprised at the things you REALLY  believe despite what you THINK  you believe. Train your heart and receive the truth of the Word.


Ask the Lord to help you make full use of the shield of faith He has given to you. 

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