What is deliverance?
That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies Might serve him without fear (Luke 1:74, KJV)

When Simeon saw Jesus in the Temple brought in by His parents, he spoke by the Spirit and said the Lord has granted Israel that “we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve Him without fear”. What is deliverance? What does it mean for someone to be delivered? What did Simeon mean when he said the Lord has delivered them out of the hand of their enemies?
The word “deliverance” has been given a meaning amongst us Christians today. When we hear deliverance, we think about someone who is possessed with a demon, in a prayer meeting, displaying all sorts of strange demonic manifestations and getting back to their senses when the demon is out. In Mark 9:20, a boy with epilepsy had similar manifestations before Jesus during a deliverance session. So yes, deliverance can look like this. But this is where the problem is: this sort of deliverance is only a fraction of what deliverance means in the scripture. In fact, I believe the majority of the Church has been greatly distracted about demonic activity, spiritual warfare, and deliverance by narrowing our focus to demonic activity to such operations.
Let me use a classic story in the Old Testament to explain what deliverance means. Think about Pharaoh and Israel in bondage in Egypt. Moses was sent by God to deliver Israel out of the hands of Pharaoh. The Jews were in bondage, in slavery and suffering. They could not free themselves because they were overpowered by Pharaoh, who was the real slave master. When Moses came, through the power of God, he set Israel free from that suffering of slavery to Pharaoh. That process by which Moses set the people free from the bondage or a taskmaster is what deliverance means. The key to understanding deliverance as used in this context is to realize that there are different types of slavemasters and bondages.
The main idea behind bondage is something that causes suffering, which we do not want, but we cannot say no to it because it has overpowered us. Bondage comes with suffering against our will.The first of all human bondage is sin. Yes, Jesus came to deliver us from sin! Demonic oppression and possessions in different forms are bondages that cause human suffering. Addictions, including pornography, alcoholism, drugs, etc are bondages. Have you met people who hate what alcohol is doing to them but they cannot say no to it? What about emotional and mental bondages such as fear, anxiety or even depression? Who amongst us loves to be afraid or depressed? If we do not like it, why can we not delete it in our lives like we delete it like a text message? Well, it is because fear is a power and it takes a greater power which ordinary human beings do not have. Think about poverty. How many of us love to be broke? We cannot simply “opt-out” of poverty, like we opt out of a subscription? Why? It is because we do not have that luxury of choosing things like that in life. That freedom was lost. To break poverty, we need something greater, more powerful to deliver us from the hands of poverty such as an attitude of hard work! The examples continue. Deliverance is essentially being set free from the power or control of something or someone.
Satan is the lord of the bondage of humanity. This statement is so important that I need to rewrite it for you to read it. Satan is the master or the CEO of the bondage, sufferings, pains, and griefs of humanity. Pharaoh in the Old Testament is a type or figure of Satan holding the people of God with all sorts of bondages. The Lord is the Author of freedom. He wants us to be free. He has already spoken to Satan and said “let my people go”. Simeon in the verse above says God wants us free so that we can serve Him without fear. You cannot serve God completely as He will like when there is a form of bondage in your life. How many of you have ever seen a need that you really wanted to help but you had no money? Or how many of you have also desired to do something for God but there is some pain in your body or disease that is limiting you? There are some believers who really want to serve God and live in holiness but they just cannot muster the strength to overcome sexual immorality. I read a survey that says about 50% or so or Christian men in the US are struggling with pornography in some way. This is not the Church that will change the world. God wants us free, from whatever bondage it is. He is not the Author of bondage. He brought freedom!
I began a series this week on “Deliverance from any bondage by the power of the Word of God” which I will complete next week. Please ensure you watch this teaching so that His Word will bring deliverance from any bondage. Yes, any bondage, no matter what type. The Lord longs to see you free!
Do you need deliverance? Now you have a broader picture of what deliverance means!
Satan is the author of bondage. Refuse to be bound or enslaved by anything, not sin, fears, addictions, etc.
Ask the Father to help you break free from whatever is holding you in bondage and enjoy your freedom in Christ.
Free Mini E-book: From Spiritual Dryness to Flourishing

Hello, have you completed this teaching? I am very interested. I have had anxiety for years and I need to get free! Thank you.
Yes. Under Sermons, filter for “Spiritual Warfare” and you will find the teaching titled “Deliverance from any bondage part 1 and 2”.
Here os part 1: https://patrickoben.com/sermons/deliverance-bondage-1/
The Lord bring complete freedom from anxiety in Jesus Name.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.