The Weapons of our Warfare are not carnal
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds (2 Cor. 10:4 KJV).
What does the Apostle Paul mean by the “weapons of our warfare are not carnal”? We will briefly examine the three keywords: weapons, warfare, and carnal.
We begin with the term “warfare” as it establishes the context for the weapons. Scripture explicitly states that we are in a battle, and this combat is not against human beings but spiritual entities. We are fighting enemies without bodies—unseen spiritual foes. Furthermore, the battleground of that warfare is in our minds, emotions, desires, character, bodies, and circumstances. For example, when lust knocks at the door of our hearts, the enemy is engaging us in battle.
God has given us weapons to engage these unseen enemies in battle. A weapon in this context is used as a figure for a tool that soldiers in battle can use to protect themselves as well as assault and destroy their enemies. Since these enemies are unusual, it is expected that our weapons will also be unusual. And they are indeed extraordinary in at least two ways. First, they are not military weapons such as guns, fighter jets, or any typical weapon of traditional warfare. Second, they are not of the flesh(carnal), but of the Spirit.
The term carnal here means natural, human, or physical. The weapons we use are not military or human abilities but are divinely empowered by the Spirit. In the example of lust as mentioned above, we would not call the police or seek medical help. Rather, we use the Word of God as a sword to protect our hearts with the breastplate of righteousness(Ephesians 6:13-18).
Be conscious of the reality that you are in fierce spiritual combat. Use what God says you should use—not what you think will work.
What is spiritual warfare?
Apply the Word
Engage the enemies in your life using God’s weapons; put on God’s armor.
Ask the Spirit to help you use the weapons He as given us.Â
- The Battleground of Spiritual Warfare
- What are Spiritual Strongholds?
- What is the Armor of God?
- What is a Devotional?
- View All Devotional
Pastor Patrick Oben thanks for yielding to the Lord to bless the body of Christ.
Amen! Blessings.