What are Kairos and Chronos Times?
But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you (1 Thessalonians 5:1 KJV)

God is a God of times and seasons. Consequently, we need to know and recognize the times and seasons of life to walk with Him. While English has one general word for time, the Greek New Testament uses two different words Chronos and kairos. This devotional will describe the meaning of these words and how apply to us.
Chronos translated “times” in 1 Thes. 5:1, above means time in our everyday use of the word to denote a period or duration of time. This period could be indefinite or defined. It is time as determined by its quantity. For instance, years, months, and days are fixed periods of time. The period from 2000 to 2021 is a specified period. Any period can have different times; a year has additional days or times of days within it, just as a day has several times( of hours) within it.
While chronos refers to time in its quantitative aspect, kairos refers to time in its qualitative part. English does not have a suitable word to translate this Greek aspect of time. The best word often used is seasons. Kairos is time defined by the kind of activities: suitable time for a purpose or opportune time. Eg the time of the year when it snows is called winter. Snow is what defines winter as a season; however, the actual duration of winter can be shortened or prolonged, depending on the defining activity of snowfall.
This is the crucial takeaway truth from this devotional: the seasons of our lives are defined by the choices we make and the things we do. Yes, God mysteriously works out His sovereign purposes as He chooses, but the critical determiner of the seasons of our lives are our actions and activities. For example, some of you reading this devotional might be going through a season( kairos) of spiritual dryness and emptiness. However, you can change that season and shorten its time(kairos) if you spend time with God in prayer and in His word.
Read more: A Time to Every Purpose under the Heaven.
What is the difference between chronos and kairos, as defined above?
What are at the different seasons of your life right now? Spiritual dryness, as above, is one example. It could be fear, depression, marital turmoil, poverty, disease. God has put in our hands the authority and responsibilities to determine the seasons of our lives. Be like the Children of Issachar who knew what they ought to do in the seasons of their lives, and do it! ( 1 Chronicles 12:32).
Ask the Spirit to help you see the seasons of your life and know what you ought to do.
Read more
Turn on a New Season in Your Life.
How to Control the Seasons of Your Life.
What is the Key of Knowledge?
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