How to control the seasons of your life
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: (Gen. 1:14 KJV)
God works in seasons. Life on earth unfolds and comes to us in seasons. It is important for us to be spiritually sensitive to know the seasons in which we are living in. The scripture above teaches us that God set lights in the skies to regulate the seasons on the earth. He made the sun to rule the day, and the moon to rule the night.
In His sovereignty, God has determined the seasons of His eternal plan for the earth. We are currently in a season which He calls the “acceptable year of the Lord” (Isa. 61:2). It is a season of extravagant, unmerited favor for man. There are seasons in your life that God has put under your control. Can this be true? Take a look at the verse above yet another time. God has set lights to govern the seasons. Light is the revelation of the Word. You change seasons as you step into new revelation. When light shines in any area of your life, you step into a new season. Go for more light in the Word!
When His Word enters your spirit, light shines in you. Has it become real to you that God has put the seasons in your life under your control?
Thank the Lord for the prevailing power He has given to us. Ask the Spirit to open your eyes to understand what is under your control.
This revelation is critical. There are seasons in your life that are determined by the degree of light you are walking in. If you increase the degree of light, you will upgrade the season. You can move from winter to the bliss of summer in your health, spiritual life, finances, ministry, and any other area, if you seek light from the Word, and live by it.
Recommended Read: This is your season for God’s favor
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