Though the Fig Tree Does Not Blossom

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, Neither shall fruit be in the vines; The labour of the olive shall fail….: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation (Habakkuk 3:17–18 KJV)

When the fig tree does not blossom and the vine does not produce vines, trouble looms for Isreal. Habakkuk used these figures of speech to describe the national distress of the Jews as the powerful Chaldee army destroyed nation after nation marching towards  Jerusalem. Israel had just one hope—God.

The fig tree represented their natural hope, same as the olive tree, the flocks, and the herd. Habakkuk said natural hope might fade, but he will continue to rejoice in the Lord and joy in the God of his salvation. This response is a profound trust in God. He sees spiritual hope in God when everything around him is hopeless.

Joy amid a crisis or challenge is a spiritual treasure that shows our complete dependence on the Lord. Our normal human response to trouble is fear, anxiety, and sorrow. Habakkuk says he would rather rejoice, a response that is abnormal but Spirit-enabled. Joy in crisis goes beyond positive thinking; it is a product of the Spirit. It is a sacrifice, and the Lord takes delight in this wholehearted dependence on Him.

Habakkuk did not say he would rejoice because the fig tree does not blossom. Instead, he says he be joyful in the Lord who saves him from trouble. We do not rejoice in trouble because we are in denial or have lost touch with reality, but because we trust the Lord will bring us out of the problem.

Read more: The Wonders of Joy.


Is there a fig tree that is not blossoming in your life right now?

Apply the Word

Exercise your faith. Respond to the Word and rejoice in God amid that difficulty. Your joy is the highway for the miracle.


Ask the Lord to strengthen you to maintain your joy amid fig trees not flourishing.

What is Joy?
Joy Cometh in the Morning.
Highly recommended: What is a devotional?
View all Deshen Daily devotionals including today’s devotional.
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