Some Trust in Chariots and Others in Horses

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: But we will remember the name of the LORD our God (Psalm 20:7, KJV)

Chariots and horses were symbols of military strength in Bible days. It might be hard for us to fully comprehend the importance of chariots and horses in today’s age. In Bible times, the nation that survives is the nation that has the military to defend it. Military might was a matter of life or death because attacks could come at any time and from anywhere. It is, therefore, understandable that the people’s trust was on their king and their military for safety.

The Psalmist says above that “some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God”. Israel was a nation that distinct from the rest of the nations. Their safety was not dependent on their military might. The LORD was their protection. One Israelite soldier could stand and defeat an invading army of thousands if the LORD was with them.

For us today, chariots and horses have a broader application. They simply represent what we can call “the arm of the flesh”, meaning putting our trust in natural abilities or people. The flesh will fail. People around you will fail you.  The LORD does not want you to put your trust in anything or person including yourself.  That does not mean we should be suspicious of people’s motives. It simply means we should not give a person or thing the trust that is due to God alone. Some Christians have been so hurt because they gave their pastor the trust that is due to God alone and when he failed, they crumbled with him.

Nothing should take place of trust in our lives that God alone deserves. Not you, your pastor, parents, spouse, children, etc.


Declare the words of Ps. 20:7 above out loud to yourself.


God will never fail us. Protect your heart by not giving your trust to people who will ultimately fail. Do not put your trust in the arm of the flesh, but rest in God always.


Ask the Lord to help you trust in Him at all times. 

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