This is what happens during your devotional time with the Lord
Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets (Luke 13:26, KJV)

The Lord is calling the Church to spiritual maturity. It is the season for the sons of God, those who are mature children of God, being the full expression of the Person and works of the Lord. The one purpose of our ministry is to build up a people for the Lord, who are mature and who are a visible manifestation of the invisible God. A solid personal devotional life is a mandatory requirement for a flouring relationship with the Lord.
I have written many devotionals before explaining what the devotional life is. It is not reading a devotional such as the Glory & Grace Daily devotionals. It is not a dead routine of fulfilling some Christian duty of brushing quickly over a few scriptures a day or following some Bible reading plan and then mumbling a few words of prayer. Luke 13:26 above gives us a picture of what the devotional life is.
The words “we have eaten and drunk in thy presence” capture the heart of what the devotional life is. The devotional life is sitting at Daddy’s feet daily to have a meal, eating and drinking at His Table. A meal is figurative of fellowship, close communion, and intimate interaction with someone. When you read the Word of God and receive it in your heart, you are not just reading the scriptures but feeding on the Word, that is, eating the true manna from heaven! When you spend time in prayer, you are not just talking to God or asking things. You are fellowshipping with Him, like drinking water or a good drink.
The devotional life is fellowshipping with the Father in the Word and in prayer–daily. If you have ever dreamt of knowing God intimately or having an enjoyable walk with the Holy Spirit, feeding on the Word and fellowshipping with the Spirit in prayer are mandatory. This is not good news for our generation that is plagued with a billion things competing for our attention. We are a generation of drive-throughs, microwave speed turn around times, “do it quickly” and that can eat breakfast in a car on the way to work. Life is busy, and there is no going back. However, if you feed on the Word or pray on a drive-through basis as your normal, you will experience a drive-through God.
I pray that your place at the Father’s Table will not be empty. Life will hit us really hard sometimes with a billion things to do but you have to fight the good fight of faith. Protect and nourish your fellowship with the Father. It is the fountain of the good life, the glory, the presence, the power, the breakthroughs, the things many are chasing in Christianity.
Read more: Devotional prayer: learning from our Lord Jesus Himself.
How does the metaphor of eating on a table explain the idea of the devotional life? How is your personal fellowship with the Father?
I have said this repeatedly. We are getting to the days that we will either to be spiritually weak and be crushed by the world or be strong and crush the world to pieces. Do not be contented with the routines of Christianity. Pursue God. Build your spiritual life like a magnificent gigantic building and enjoy eternal life until it overflows.
Ask the Spirit to help you fight the good fight of faith and continue to protect and nourish your fellowship with the Father.
Thank you!
Blessings 🙂
You are welcome, thank you!!