An attitude that God calls noble

These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so (Acts 17:11 KJV)

Paul left Thessalonica and  moved to Berea in his missionary journey and preached  the Gospel there. The scripture above says the Bereans “were more noble than those in Thessalonica”. The Lord, through Dr. Luke, gives us two reasons in the same verse why He called the Bereans noble. Firstly, they received the Word with eagerness of heart and mind. Secondly, they searched the scriptures daily to verify what Paul was saying.

If the Lord considers an attitude noble, then we certainly want to pay attention to it. If you want the Lord to call you “noble”, then do what the Bereans do. Be eager to receive the Word, and start searching the scriptures to double-check the teachings you hear, the prophecies you get, the doctrines you have held dearly, or even the ways you have understood certain scriptures.

I have shared it before and will repeat it. The next move of God mandates the Church to be established in the TRUTH  of the Word. If you want to cooperate with the Spirit for what He has for you and for the Body of Christ, be noble!  Be eager to receive the Word. Search the scriptures daily to see if the teachings, preachings or prophecies you are getting are correct or not.


What are the two characteristics of the noble attitude of the Bereans discussed above? Now get a little more personal. Are you noble before the Lord based on this attitude? Do you want to be?


Develop an eagerness for the Word. Learn to search the scriptures to ensure no teacher, preacher, book, sermon, prophecy, etc. makes you believe something that is not the truth of the Word. The primary driver behind the current webinars we are doing on how to effectively study the Word is to train you to search the scriptures for yourself.


Ask the Lord for the grace to rise to nobility in His sight. 

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