The Word of God is a Living Thing
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12, KJV)

God’s Word is a living thing. This phrase might cause some of you to wonder why I will call Jesus, the Word, a “thing.” If I said the Word of God is a Person, that would be correct. His Word has been revealed to us to be Jesus, through Whom the Father created the world. When Jesus spoke to the Jews in John 6:63 and said the “words that I speak unto you are spirit and life,” He was not saying that His words are a person, and that person is Me. No! God’s word is a spirit. In fact, His Word is called the spirit of His mouth( Ps 33:6, Isa. 11:3). I have done a series of devotionals and teachings lately emphasizing the fact that a “spirit” is not always referring to a personal being.
The verse above begins with the fact that the Word of God is living. It is a living spiritual entity by itself. There are two interrelated meanings to the word “living.” The first is that the Word has or possesses life. By this feature, it can impart or give life. In fact, the scriptures teach us that the Word does not only possess life but it is life itself. The second meaning is that the word God speaks exercises life. A key characteristic of living things which have and exercise life is movement. The Word moves and can cause things to change! That means God’s words are not some dead letters. They are able to interact with your situation, assess what is wrong, bring to life what is dead, fix what is broken, give you direction when you are confused, subdue your enemies, etc. His word is living and active!
Should we expect results when we engage ourselves in the Word of God? What is the difference between the words God speaks and the words in your history textbook or local newspaper?
If God’s Word is living, then you should expect a change or movement when it comes into your life! Think about creation, and what happens when those words left His mouth. He is telling us we have a weapon in our hands to deal with life’s circumstances. Know, believe and put God’s Word to work in your life.
Thank the Lord for His wonderful Word that has assured victory in our lives at all times.
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