Cultivate fellowship with the Spirit

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen” (2 Cor. 13:14 NKJ).

Fellowship with the Spirit describes our intimate relationship with God. God relates to us today by His Spirit. You cultivate intimacy with God by cultivating fellowship with the Spirit of God. It is critical to understand that you can train yourself to grow in your fellowship with God. You can and should do all you can to learn and grow in it. There are two aspects of fellowship with God we should know. Fellowship with God is both a done deal and an ongoing process.

The day you were born again, the Spirit of God baptized you into the Body of Christ. He brought you into the place called “in Christ,” which is a place where you become one with Him. In other words, you become a partaker of the divine nature in Christ, sharing the God-Man nature that was embodied in Jesus the Man. You are therefore one with Jesus, sharing in His divine nature, and brought forever into the very presence of God. This is a done deal and you therefore do not have to do anything on your own to get into fellowship with God. You are already in fellowship with God, with His Spirit, and with His Son. What you need to do is to learn how to live out or practice this fellowship. Since you are already in fellowship with God and dwelling in His presence, you can learn to practically live each minute of your life in the presence of God in intimate fellowship with the Spirit, talking with Him and experiencing His presence.


What does communion of the Holy Spirit in the scripture above mean?


Start practicing God’s presence today. Believe He is with you and start talking with Him as you would do with anyone present with you.


Ask the Lord to open your understanding to see that you are already in fellowship with God.

Recommended Read: Cultivate intimacy with God day by day

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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