He brought them out that He might bring them in

And he brought us out from thence, that he might bring us in, to give us the land which he sware unto our fathers. (Deuteronomy 6:23 KJV)

Freedom in Christ daily devotional

Deut. 6:23 above reveals a profound mystery regarding our state in Christ. Moses addressed the Israelites and recounted what the Lord had done for them just before they entered the promised land. He said, “and He brought us out from thence, that he might bring us in”. He clearly identifies two aspects connected by the word “that” signaling the purpose of the first action. So God brought them out so that He might bring them in.

The “bringing out” signifies deliverance or freedom from bondage. He did not tell His people to serve Him in bondage. He took them out of the bondage first. This is the clear and resounding message: we cannot serve God effectively in bondage of any kind. Simeon in the New Testament declared this truth is an astonishing way in Luke 1:74:

 “That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear,” (Luke 1:74 KJV)

God delivers us first from bondage to the enemies of our lives so that we can serve Him without fear. Jesus said we could not serve two masters. How can we effectively live for God when we are also a servant to some addiction such as pornography or a sinful lifestyle? What about bondage to depression, anxiety or fear? Bondages come in our lives in all sorts of shapes and sizes. The truth remains: we cannot serve or live for God effectively in bondage. God wants us to be free to live freely for Him!


What is bondage? Is there a bondage in your life? If yes, how does that bondage impact your ability to live for God?


There is a great need for freedom and deliverance in God’s house. Many believers are in bondage to many different things but are under the covert of Christianity. Do not let this happen to you. God wants you free because you cannot effectively live or serve God when you are in bondage of any kind.


Ask the Father to help you become free in every aspect of your life. 

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