The riches of our oneness with Christ
God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord (1 Corinthians 1:9 KJV)
One of the mind-blowing revelations of our status in Christ is our union or oneness with Him. It is a mystery, and a glorious one to behold! In summary, it means we share everything about Christ as a Person, including all that He did for us through the cross. Let me illustrate this with examples.
When Christ died, He paid for the sins for all humanity by Himself. In Christ, we did not die on the cross but we enjoy all the benefits as if we were the ones who died. When He resurrected with new life, we also share all the results of His resurrection. He is at the right hand of the Father, in power. We share all of those benefits.
It gets even more astonishing. He is God in flesh, so Son of God. We share in His very Person, in His very life and so are called sons of God. All His inheritance that He obtained as a Son, we have it all under our names. In other words, God has given us the gift of the Son. Not only that He gave us His Son Jesus to die for us but He has given us the gift of being and enjoying the life of His Son! We have been called to partake of the life of the Son of God. That is the fellowship of the Son mentioned in 1 Cor. 1:9 above!
Please read the scripture above, think through the words and mutter those words repeatedly.
You are in the Son and have been given the gift of enjoying His life. Imagine feeling like Jesus feels or thinking and speaking like He does. Imagine knowing the Father intimately like He does. There is nothing about Him He has not shared with us to enjoy. He said He came to give us eternal life to enjoy until it overflows! This is love: He died a horrific and miserable death to share such glory with us. What a Savior we have!
Could you take a moment to tell Jesus “Thank You” Lord for such extravagant kindness lavished on us.
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