Two things that stand between us and the riches of grace

Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? (Isaiah 53:1 KJV)

Attitude of gratitude showing hands open to receive

Grace has furnished a table for us with all the delicacies of heaven on it. God has lavished goodness upon us in giving us what we do not deserve and what we could not achieve by our abilities. As believers today, a sad reality is that many of us are not enjoying now what Christ suffered and died for. It is painful, but it is the truth: many of us are suffering from things Jesus has no intentions for us to suffer from. And many of us are not enjoying things He expects us to be enjoying from the bounty of grace right now. 

Let me share two critical elements that stand between us and the riches of grace that Christ has furnished for us. Isaiah, speaking about the sufferings of Christ in Isaiah 53 gives us this mystery in the first verse: it is believing and revelation. God does all the work and furnishes the blessings of grace  to us. The two hands that receive from grace are revelation or your understanding and insight to Christ’s Person and Work and your believing or accepting it. 

Grace is multiplied in our lives through the knowledge of God and is received by faith. These two things are under your control. You will determine the degree of grace you will enjoy now. What will you do about this?


I want you to think about  the why now. Why is it that grace requires us to know and believe the Word?


Some chains will immediately fall off our hands once our eyes open to know what Christ has already done about  them and our hearts accept and walk in that revelation. I have shared this before: your personal revelation and knowledge of the Person and Work of Christ define the limits of your spiritual experiences. Take this seriously: invest in your knowledge of the Lord and your faith. 


Ask the Spirit to ignite a fresh wave of revelation and faith in your life. 

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