The blessing of forgiveness of sins
In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (Col. 1:14 NAS)
Grace has brought God’s forgiveness for our sins. Forgiveness detaches us free from the guilt and judgement of our sins. Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross for the payment of all the sin that humanity has ever, and will ever commit. Jesus did not die only for the sins of believers. He died for the sins of the whole world (1 Jn.2:2).
Have you ever wished that your past choices were a text message that you could simply delete, and they would be forever gone and forgotten? Our lives are not as simple as that. Sin brings a heavy load on our souls, that cannot simply be deleted like a text. The blood of Jesus has brought forgiveness to all men, at all times, and in all places. All we have to do is to open our hands to receive it. What a blessing to realize that the cross has brought forgiveness in the place of judgement! You do not need to carry that load of sin by yourself anymore. Freedom is here.
The verse above says forgiveness is yours in Christ. Ponder upon this truth.
Thank the Father for the gift of forgiveness to you.
You are forgiven in Christ. All you have to do is receive that forgiveness of sins from God. Even when we sin as believers, the blood of Jesus is available to wash away our sin. Concealed and unforgiven sin in the heart cannot coexist with peace and joy. Receive forgiveness today in whatever area you need it. Do not carry the load of your past sins in your soul, and attempt to duplicate what Jesus already did. God’s forgiveness is yours. Receive it every day, and live in  freedom.
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