Thou are no more a Servant, but a Son
Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ (Galatians 4:7, KJV)

We have been in the book of Galatians for the past three days, looking at different snippets of our identity in Christ. The Apostle Paul speaking to the Galatians told them they were no more servants in the house of God but children. The last two Glory & Grace Daily devotionals have discussed the issues of the seed of Abraham and our inheritance in Christ. We will consider the difference between a servant and a son in this devotional.
In Galatians 4, Paul uses analogies to explain the concept of a servant and a son. One of them was that of Abraham’s wife Sarah and the servant woman Haggar who gave birth to Abraham’s son Ishmael. Sarah was a free woman in the house. Haggar was a slave. Can you think of the way a woman behaves in her own home? She is relaxed, resting in the love of the husband, knowing she is in charge in her own home and not afraid of her position. She does not try to impress the husband to like her or favor her. She knows she is the love of her man’s life. Haggar, the slave woman, had no such privileges. She was a servant at home.
There is a way a servant thinks and feels in a house. Servants know they do not belong, and can be replaced at any time. This mental framework is contrary to that of a son( male or female) in the house. The Lord says you are not a servant, but a son in His home. The Jews under the Old Covenant were servants through the Law. They were always afraid of God, and this servile is a characteristic trait of servants. However, the son is free from such concerns at home. He does not try to make the father love him. He knows he is loved. He knows he belongs. His confidence is in his relationship with his father. God wants you to know that you are a son in the house. You are not a servant!
What is one critical character trait of servants in the house? See the text above.
Children feel at home in their own home! They know that the man of the house is their my daddy. My daughters remind me of the Fatherhood of God. In their world, Daddy exists and lives for them alone! This is a critical mindset to develop in relating to our Father. Many of us are living like servants in God’s home approaching, Him without being sure of what He would say. God is our Father. If you think earthly fathers enjoy being with their children, then you need to consider how pleased our Father is with His kids. You are a son( male or female) in the house, and Father is thrilled to have you!
Thank the Lord for the privilege of being adopted into His family.
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