The mystery of Pentecost: firstfruits bearing fruits

And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. (Romans 8:23 ESV)

Today is day 3 of Deshen Daily miniseries on the mysteries of the feasts of Pentecost. Today, we will review Pentecost as a feast of harvesting fruit (grain) unto God by His Spirit.

Jesus is the firstfruits from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:20).  By the divine mysteries of making us “in Christ” and thus uniting us with Him, it is no wonder we are also called firstfruits as in Romans 8:23 or James 1:18. 

The first fruit that the Spirit as Rain from heaven produces are people who have been changed from sinners to children of God. In fact the harvest is a harvest of human beings, just as Jesus told Peter He will make him a fisher of men. God is in the business of harvesting lost souls into the kingdom during Pentecost. 

The second aspect of the fruits being harvested by the Spirit has to do with the works of the people of God. In fact, this is the most well known aspect of the fruits that the Spirit produces. When God harvests men into His Household, He then continues to make these children as trees planted by the rivers of water bearing an abundant of fruit such as love, joy, peace, etc (the fruit of the Spirit) which brings glory to God.

Pentecost is a season of harvest. Harvesting sinners to God, and also harvesting fruits of works produced by the Spirit for the glory of God!

We continue with Day 5 of Pentecost tomorrow!


What are the two types of fruit mentioned in the devotional above?


Are you involved in God’s harvest? Are you harvesting souls for Christ? Are you also bearing fruit by the Holy Spirit’s work in you? If not, in times to become fruitful!


Tell the Father you want to be wholly involved the harvest of this season of Pentecost!

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