Be filled with the Spirit every day this year

“And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18 NAS).

If we are ever to know the supernatural, higher life God has called us to live, then we must be in the place called “full of the Spirit.” The Holy Spirit is God at work to produce the supernatural in us.

In Acts 2:4, we are told that the disciples were filled with the Spirit. A few days later, in Acts 4:31, we are again told that the disciples were filled with the Spirit after they prayed. This teaches us the critical lesson that being filled with the Spirit is not a one-time event. When we first get filled with the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, as a Person who is God Himself, came  and started living inside of us. The first filling is never repeated. God does not repeatedly fill us with Himself again and again. It is the second filling that is continuous, where God fills us with the fullness of His attributes, such as His power and wisdom. This is what Jesus meant when He said He would give us water to drink once, but the water would become a well springing up to produce abundant water (John 4:14)! Be filled with the Spirit every day of this year.


What are the similarities and differences between being filled with alcohol and being filled with the Spirit as mentioned in the verse above? Instead of dissipation from alcohol, what will be Spirit produce in your life? See Galatians 5:22.


The first infilling of the Holy Spirit mentioned above is distinct from being born again (Acts 19:2). Seek to be filled with the Spirit today; stay in fellowship with the Spirit in the Word and constant prayer to be continuously filled each day, and make your life a living wonder!


Ask the Lord that He fill you every day of this year so that you can dwell in the place of constant flow of the supernatural.

Recommended Read: Faith activates the supernatural

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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