Staying Healthy in your spirit, soul, and body

“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers” (3 Jn. 1:2 NAS).

God’s will is for us to be healthy in our spirit, soul, and body. In fact, the scripture above does not only deal with health in our bodies and spiritual well-being, but also our overall prosperity—which includes our finances. The trio of spiritual well-being, health, and wealth is an important part of our life here on earth.

God wants us to be healthy in our spirit, soul, and body. Do not neglect to care for your physical body as a believer. Keeping fit by exercise, proper nutrition, and other natural measures to promote good health still matters. You need a healthy and strong physical body to fully carry out what God wants you to do here on earth without limitations. Continue to increase the care of your spirit and soul with the Word of God and prayer. Seek to be healthy in your spirit, soul, and body.


Think on the scripture above. Declare to yourself that in “all respects, I am in good health in my spirit, soul, and body.”


Ask the Spirit to lead you on a journey to good, better, and excellent health in all respects in your life.


Do you have an unhealthy eating habit? What about physical activity? Do you care for your spirit and soul with the Word? Act on God’s Word today! God’s super-drug to heal and promote health in your spirit, soul, and body is His Word. Exercise and good eating habits will help your body, but will not deal with fear, anxiety, depression, or jealousy in your heart. Their benefits are, therefore, limited. Go for the Word. It is has all-round benefits. Also, be smart with the choices of your body today!

Recommended Read: Divine Health-God’s Medication for Your Body

 Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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