Are You Healthy? See What God Calls Good Health

For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the LORD (Jer. 30:17 ESV)

good health image showing an apple , stethoscope and a heart

The World Health Organization defines health as a  “State of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This is an excellent definition but it does not capture the entire picture of human health.

This definition deals with three spheres: physical(body), mental(soul) and social. Does this sound familiar to you? The scripture teaches us that man is body, soul, and spirit(1 Thes. 5:23). The social aspects of man are not a constitutional part of his being, but a result of his interaction with his environment. Man is made up of three parts: body, soul and spirit, not body, soul and social. The scripture above says “I will restore health unto thee”. This was not the health of the body or mind, but of the spirit. Man’s greatest disease is not the disease of his body or mind. It is the disease of his spirit called sin.

Health is well-being in the spirit, soul, and body. Healthy people produce a healthy social environment. Sin causes more devastations in the world today than all other diseases of the body and mind put together. If you do not believe me, listen to the news or read your local newspaper! As a Christian, Christ’s blood has brought spiritual health which lays the foundation for good health in your mind and body. It is also God’s will that you adopt healthy habits to maintain the health of your body. Medical science has helped us to understand how to do this. God wants you healthy, in your spirit, soul(mind) and body!


Why do you think medical science replaced the spirit with the word “social”? ( 1 Cor. 2:14).


Good health is God’s will for your life. He wants you healthy in body, soul, and spirit(holistic health). Sin is a destructive disease of the spirit. Christ’s blood is the only solution. Adopt healthy lifestyle choices for the health of your body and soul. Praying for good health and smoking, for example, is spiritual foolishness and confusion. The health of our bodies requires healthy habits, and that is our responsibility. Complete health is His will for you.


Ask the Lord to help you improve your health, in all three dimensions above (remember that prayer is not a replacement for healthy habits and choices for your body, soul and spirit).

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