Divine Health-God’s medication for your body

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. (3 Jn. 1:2 )

Divine health is a descriptive phrase that has been used for the sustenance of our health by divine power and provisions. It is health supernaturally provided and sustained. Healing is part of the process of maintaining health, where God supernaturally terminates disease processes in the human body and mind, restoring normal function and structure.

The church is still to fully embrace the truth that the same sacrifice that made provisions for our sins to be forgiven also made provisions for our bodies to be healed. But God Himself is changing this paradigm by the revelation of the realities of Christ’s death on the cross and the outworking of divine healing and health in the lives of His people attesting to the veracity of His Word.

Jesus is the great Physician of the human body, and He has given humanity a prescription for a drug that works for all diseases. If medical science had such a drug, one medication that cures all diseases, humanity will flood hospitals and doctor’s offices. God indeed has such a drug. The scripture says “He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions ” (Ps. 107:20 ). God’s Word is His prescription medication for the healing and healing of humanity, for those who believe and can receive. Medications have pharmacologic power when taken to produce the desired effect. God’s Word contains His very life and power, and when taken will produce divine health in the body.

Divine health is a miracle, like any other miracle which is unnatural, supernatural and cannot be explained by scientific phenomena. It is foolishness to the purely scientific, natural and unregenerate mind, like the rest of the things of God. Start administering God’s medication to your body regularly by constantly receiving and meditating on the Word. Take it daily. There are no side effects, and you cannot get an overdose. Apply God’s Word to your body in faith constantly, and take even higher doses when sickness challenges your body. Divine health is God’s will for you, and you have His prescription!


The Word in your  mind and mouth (1 Tim 4:15; Josh 1: 8)

Take His Word into your spirit today-meditate on the verse above!


Water the Seed( word) to grow. Invite the Spirit’s strength! ( Isa 32:15; Zach 4:6)

 Thank the Lord for making provisions for your body to be healed.


Your door to a blessed life today is doing God’s Word. Refuse to be a hearer or reader only! (James 1:22-26)

Test and see that God’s Word works when taken as directed. Get to the Word to receive insight and revelation on divine health and healing and stretch your faith to receive what God has already given to you. Start speaking God’s Word to your body-declare “by His stripes, I am healed”; ” Cancer, or pain or …, I command you to leave my body in Jesus’ Name”.

Recommended Read: The unity of the Spirit

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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