Remember God

“And you shall remember the LORD your God.” (Deut. 8:18 NKJ.)

Remembering is a mental process by which we “bring to mind.” There are two aspects of remembering God that are important for us.

The first is what was being referred to in the scripture above. The Lord was cautioning the Israelites not to forget Him once prosperity came. Isn’t it interesting to see how some people seek God when they are in trouble, and slowly fade from Him when things are going well? Remember God. This is why prosperity destroys fools (Prov. 1:23.) Do not be a fool in God’s sight. It has happened before to individuals and nations, and it is still happening today. This should not be your case. Prosper and remember God!

There is a distinct but closely related function of remembering that is also very important for us. It is using the power of remembrance to develop our fellowship with the Spirit and build a consciousness of God’s presence.

Something happens within us when our minds remember God. It is as though God’s presence steps into the realms of our soul and environment. Learn to remember God as often as you can; keep Him in your mind all the time. Remember Him, and say “Thank You, Lord, for your presence in me.” Remember Him when you embark on a task and ask Him, with your mouth or in your heart, to give you wisdom.

Develop 24/7 fellowship with the Spirit of God by remembering God. This practice will create a consciousness of God’s presence and will change your life forever.


Why do we tend to forget God when things start going well with our families, finances, etc.?


Remember God, bring God to mind as frequently as you can today. When you do, just say something like “Thank you, Lord, for dwelling inside of me.”


Ask the Spirit to help you not forget God—to remember Him in prosperity and also in the busy routines of each day.

Recommended Read: Take a minute to remember

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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