Take a minute to remember

But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his plan to unfold. (Ps. 106:13 NIV)

There is power in our minds to bring back experiences that had happened in the past into our present. That is remembering. Its a double-edged sword, and has the potential of either making your life beautiful or bitter, depending on what you remember.  One way to ruin a relationship is to remember the wrongs that someone has  previously done to you. Love does not keep a record of wrongs because remembering  has the power  to turn your happy heart into a hateful  and bitter heart ready to revenge. There are some things you should not remember. 

Our scripture above encourages us rather not to forget the works of God. It will deeply impact your relationship with God, and with others. Israel forgot what God had done for them. The hymn writer was right, in exhorting us to count our blessings and name them one by one. You will be amazed at the power of remembrance when you are in a difficult situation. It will spark your faith. It will provoke praise. Developing the habit of not forgetting what God has done for you will cause you to live a life of perpetual praise. Sometimes we get saddened by focusing our attention on what we want which we do not have  rather than looking back at what God has done and be grateful. If you are not careful, your needs today might blind your eyes to the wonderful works the Lord has already done for you in the past and robbing you of your miracle today.

Do not forget what God has done for you. Make it a habit of recounting them, talking about them and thanking Him for them. It will unleash a spirit of praise in your life, which will usher you to a life of  seeing the miraculous daily. Remember the works of the Lord your God. Do you remember when you were in that tough situation, how you  cried to the Lord daily? Do you remember how you  wept for God to send you a spouse? If you remember, and not  forget, you will appreciate the spouse God has sent to you. Then you will be able to thank God through  the period of waiting for a child. Or do you remember how you implored God to  give you a job?  You will be  grateful to  have one now, and cherish it. If you remember the anguish your soul was in, and how the Lord has delivered you, then you will be grateful always. Do not forget the works of the Lord in your life.  If your cannot remember, recognize and appreciate the little and great miracles in your life that occurred yesterday, why should you have another miracle today? Remember, and be thankful  always.


The Word in your  mind and mouth ( 1 Tim 4:15;Josh 1: 8) 

Keep those words in your mind, and speak them out. Remember the Lord your God.



Water the Seed( word) to grow. Invite the Spirit’s strength! ( Isa 32:15; Zach 4:6)

Ask God to help you keep the right focus, and be able to remember His works always.


Your door to  a blessed life today is doing God’s Word. Refuse to be a hearer or reader only! ( James 1:22-26)

Lets get practical now.

I will encourage you to take a few minutes apart today, and count your blessings. Do not be distracted. Look for a quite place. Intentionally think and go  back in time, and see what God has done for you. Count  those blessings, recognize them and  thank Him for everyone of them. Is there someone around you now that you are having a very hard time get along  with in your family, home or job?  Switch focus! Remember one thing that individual has done, or one  positive quality  and thank God for it. If  you have the opportunity, say “thank you” to them. Do this and see the power of focus, and how your relationship with that individual will be different by the power of remembrance. 

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