The reason you must renew your mind

“And be renewed in the spirit of your mind” (Eph. 4:23 KJV).

A renewed man has to precede the blessings of enjoying abundant living. There are true Christians out there whose outward lives are not an inch different from those who do not know Christ, though this does not necessarily mean they are not truly saved or born again.

It is important to understand that man was made spirit, soul, and body. The spirit of man within him does not directly control his outward life. It must act through the soul, which is the control center of our outward lives. The way you speak and act is a direct product of the state of your soul, with its thoughts, feelings, imaginations, etc. If not for the soul, every single believer would have been fully the way Jesus is, because the new spirit we have is created in His image. We act differently because our souls have been traumatized by different life experiences and carry different types of scars. We need to allow the life in our spirit to renew our soul before we can see a new outward life full of God’s beauty. Renew your mind daily.


An integral part of renewing the mind is meditation. Meditate on the main verse above and see yourself in it. Become one with it, and let it be your new attitude in life.


Renewing the mind is not simply a mental process of thinking on God’s Word. It also has to do with doing the Word of God. Do not just read and be satisfied. Ask yourself, “What can I start doing as a result of this word of God I have read today?” Then go ahead and do it!


Thank the Lord for the blessing of bringing salvation into your spirit. Ask the Spirit to help you work out this salvation to enjoy all of its benefits for you here and now.

Recommended Read: Renew your mind

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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