Relate with the Holy Spirit as a Person

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God [do not offend or vex or sadden Him], by Whom you were sealed … (Ephesians 4:30 AMP)

What does it mean that the Spirit is a Person?  He has the qualities of a person such as feelings, thoughts, will, and unique personality. Remember that He is not a person like us. We are like Him. He created with personhood like Him.  Ephesians 4:30 above says we should not grieve Him, meaning we would not offend, vex or sadden Him. He has emotions and can be saddened. What makes Him sad? When we say or do things that are contrary to God’s will, for example.

It means your actions affect the feelings of the Spirit. If you think about how He would feel before you say or do what you are about to do, your choices will be different if you truly love the Lord. Remember that the Spirit is a Person. He has a will, God’s perfect will, for you. That is the will you want to follow. He has thoughts about how you should approach that problem. You certainly want to know what He is thinking because He knows everything perfectly!

This knowledge should affect how you relate to Him. Start thinking about how He feels about your choices. Seek to know what He thinks about your current situation. And above all, seek to know His will and follow it for your own joy and enjoyment in life!


What does it mean that the Holy Spirit is a Person? How should that knowledge affect the way you relate with Him?


This knowledge is critical for developing a rich, intimate fellowship with the Spirit. Learn to talk with Him, frequently! Remember He gets saddened by sin, unforgiveness, bitterness, slander etc. Seek to know what He is thinking, what His will is and how your actions make Him feel. Become conscious He is a Person, God Himself.


Pray that the Spirit to help you grow in intimate fellowship with Him. 

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