The Holy Spirit is not a Spirit of Disorder and Chaos

And they said unto him, Behold now, there be with thy servants fifty strong men; let them go, we pray thee, and seek thy master: lest peradventure the Spirit of the LORD hath taken him up, and cast him upon some mountain, or into some valley (2 Kings 2:16 KJV).

Spiritual manifestations in charismatic services often leave the impression amongst many charismatics and non-charismatics that there is disorder or chaos whenever the Holy Spirit is working. This misrepresentation and misconception of the Holy Spirit did not start with charismatics or Pentecostals. We can trace it back to the prophets of ancient Israel.

God took Elijah to heaven by a supernatural chariot of fire before the eyes of Elisha, his servant. The other prophets—true prophets who knew what was happening by the Spirit — came to Elisha and urged him to send them to find Elijah. Why? They said, just maybe, the Holy Spirit took Elijah and threw him on a mountain or into a valley during the supernatural flight. This reveals the perception of the Spirit amongst these prophets: His acts could be so chaotic or even foolish that He could carry Elijah and drop him unexpectedly into a pit or rock. 

Unfortunately, modern-day Pentecostalism has left a similar impression in the minds of many believers. But the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of order and excellence. Jesus is the best picture of the Spirit; He(Jesus) is the visible expression of the Spirit and how He acts amongst us.

Read more: Understanding the Holy Spirit.

Why did these prophets think the Holy Spirit might have thrown Elijah in a valley or on a mountain?

The Spirit is a Spirit of order and excellence. However, He can lead us in paths that make little sense to us or produce manifestations that are strange to us. When He does, it does not mean He is a Spirit of chaos. Just as the Father, He is the God of order, peace, beauty, and excellence.

Ask the Father to help you understand who the Spirit is and how He works in your life.

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Who Is the Holy Spirit and What Does He Do?
View all Devotionals on the Holy Spirit.
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