The Holy Spirit: The Presence and the Power of God

In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit (Ephesians 2:22 KJV)

practical fellowship with the Holy Spirit showing the shape of a heart

The Lord is increasing our understanding of the Holy Spirit these days because God’s next move will require us to be grounded in the Word and in an intimate fellowship of the Spirit. We have to know the Spirit as a Person and how He operates in and through us to fully cooperate with God in our lives and ministries.

Understanding the Trinity and the Unity of the Godhead is critical to appreciate the Person of Holy Spirit fully.God is spirit( as opposed to flesh) and has a Spirit who is an independent personality in the Godhead scripture refers to as the Holy Spirit. I will not focus on the Trinity today. Rather I will discuss the other side of the equation, which is the unity of the Godhead. We face a real challenge of focusing on the Trinity so much that we forget that God is One, that is, there is a unity of the Godhead. We must maintain a healthy balance of our understanding of the Trinity and the Unity. That becomes even more important with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the Presence and the Power of God. He DOES NOT bring the presence or the power of God. He is that Presence. He is that Power. For example in Ephesians 2:22 above, it tells us that God dwells in His House, that is, the Church, through His Spirit. I mentioned in prior devotionals that the Christ that is in you is the Holy Spirit. You do not have Jesus in your heart and then the Spirit along side with Him. The Spirit is the God in you. He is the Father that dwells in you. He is Christ that dwells in you. It might be hard to figure it out with our minds of flesh, but it is the mystery of the divine nature, three in one and one in three.

When the Spirit fills your heart, God’s very presence has filled your heart and the power of God is present with you.


How do you explain the fact that God is spirit and is said to have a Spirit? ( You might need to do some research and study on this).


The Holy Spirit is not an intermediary person or agent to take you to God. He is God. He is the Spirit of the Father. He is the Spirit of Jesus ( 1 Pet. 1:11, Gal. 4:6). He is the presence and the power of the Father and the Son. As you grow in fellowship with Him, Christ becomes more real to you. If you want to know the presence and the power of God, then invest in your fellowship with the Spirit I have written many devotionals on the Holy Spirit and will encourage you to read them here as needed.


Ask the Spirit to bring you into the fullness of the presence and power of the Father and the Son. 

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