The Most Important Activity of the Holy Spirit in Your Life 

By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit (1 John 4:13, ESV)

I have been teaching lately on the importance of the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives, and most especially the relationship between the power of God and the Spirit. However, though spiritual empowerment is essential, it is not the most critical activity of the Spirit in your life on a day to day basis after salvation.

Please take a look at our main verse again above. It says we know that God is in us, and we are in Him because He has given us His Spirit. That took place at salvation and continues onwards. The most important activity of the Holy Spirit in your life is the establishment of that permanent fellowship or communion with God. You have been brought into God, God has been brought into you, and there is a critical oneness, communion, and fellowship that is ongoing.

From a practical perspective, it means you are in touch with God perpetually. You can talk with Him, hear His voice, experience His presence at all times. Think about having Jesus BY YOUR side every single minute. How wonderful will that be. But that is not what this fellowship is. It is Jesus IN YOU, united as one with you. Always in touch, always with Him, intimately in fellowship with God. This practical fellowship with the Father and the Son is the MOST important activity of the Holy Spirit in your life. Of course it is so sad that many of us have not known the Holy Spirit except as the power that makes people fall in Church meeting or cast our demons etc. There is more. Yearn to know Him.


How does the Father bring us into fellowship with Himself?


Your sense of fellowship with God is cultivated, especially in  prayer and in a 24/7 sense of fellowship with Him. One of the most powerful and yet so simple of the things you can do to start developing an ongoing fellowship with the Lord is to learn to just talk to Him, anytime, anywhere with a consciousness of this fellowship. You will be amazed!


Ask the Spirit to help you grow in fellowship with the Father and the Son. 

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