How to Receive a Rhema Word Today

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. (Matt. 4:4 )

Receive Rhema Word image showing an ear hearing a voice

A Rhema word from God will certainly change the course of the circumstances in your life. You cannot hear from God and remain the same. One of the reasons why we sometimes do not get results is because we take actions without hearing from God. It is one thing to have faith. It is another when you act as a response to “hearing a word” from God on an issue.

The scripture above tells us that God designed man to live by every word (“Rhema word” in this verse) that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. God’s voice and the word it brings disintegrates fear and confusion. You cannot hear God and be confused. Imagine starting your day with a Word from God! That is one of the reasons why a healthy devotional life is critical. It puts you in a spot to hear God and start your day from the top.

God has given to us the complete revelation of Himself in His Son Jesus Christ, that has been “parceled” and given to us in the scriptures called the Bible. This complete revelation of God or revealed Word of God is what is called the Logos. Behind every scripture of the Bible is the voice of God. This is very important to understand. The Holy Spirit makes us hear God’s voice in the scriptures as it applies to us in specific circumstances. This is the Rhema Word. We can also hear the voice of the Spirit directly and audibly. The revelation of the written word in your spirit which we call “inspiration” is actually the voice of the Spirit spoken into your spirit man to teach or reveal something to you at that instant. Jesus said of the Spirit “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he wills (Jn. 16:13).

Something happens inside of you when you receive this Rhema word from the Spirit. It automatically generates faith. Fear quits. “You know that you know”, that it is well. The Rhema  Word is not far away. It is not some strange revelation. It is right there with you. Many are probably not aware of what they have sitting somewhere on their tables called the Bible.  It is God’s Word-yes, literally God’s Word. It has Rhema in it for you every day. Learn to stay with the written word and allow the Spirit speak into your spirit man as He teaches you the Word today from the scriptures.


Part of the reason we meditate on the scriptures is that we position ourselves in such a way that the Spirit can speak through the scriptures and bring the Rhema word to us. Meditate on the scripture above!


Ask the Holy Spirit to make God’s Word in the Bible come alive to you. There is a Rhema Word in the Logos for you every day. The Spirit is the One who makes the Logos Rhema to you at specific instances.

Apply the Word today

Learn to sit at the feet of Jesus to hear His Word. That is what you are trying to do today, by reading this devotional. Do not be in a haste. Take the Word, ruminate on it until the Spirit breaths into your spirit the life of God upon the scriptures. When He speaks to you in a revelation or inspiration and brings a Rhema word, you know it because something will happen inside of you.

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  1. Great insights that are very challenging to act, I have refused to remain the way I was before. Thank you

  2. Wow, this actually helped me get my third witness for a powerful word of our Lord. Thank you Jesus and thank you friend.

      1. Dear brother Patrick, I thank you from the core of my heart for being a guiding light to us. I am the only believer in my family struggling all alone. I humbly request you to please pray for the salvation of my mother and brother. May Jesus touch their hearts tonight and help them to confess their sins and accept Jesus as their Lord and Personal Saviour in 2018. May there be peace and restoration and reconciliation in my family. Also, please pray for my healing and financial breakthrough, I need an immediate divine intervention as my finances, health, relationships, career, spiritual walk with Jesus, all are being attacked continuously, I am completely shattered, unable to rise up, may Jesus take complete control of my life and transform my life and change the painful situations of my family miraculously.I welcome the Holy Spirit into my life, may the Holy Spirit touch me so that the name of Jesus be glorified. I need an immediate solution to my heart breaking problems, Jesus is my only Refuge. Dear brother Patrick, please do pray for me and if possible, please send me a consoling reply to my email : family. Thankyou dear brother Patrick, I shall be highly grateful to you for your sincere prayers for me. God bless you, May Jesus use me, too, for His Glory, I want to serve Jesus, I want to save souls for His Kingdom, may the Holy Spirit equip me to do His Works. I do not want to waste my life as His Coming is imminent. Thanks, Your loving sister in CHRIST, Meeta Mukerjee from India

        1. Meeta, we are glad to see the Lord use the power of His Word to touch your life. I have read your message and already taken a moment to pray for you and will be praying for you, that the God you have desired to know will flood your heart with His River and meet every need in your life. I will send an email to you now. Please check your email in a few minutes for a message for you. Blessings

  3. I am so blessed by this post and that the one yesterday and this morning.
    The compilations of all three have allowed me to understand and accept that God has been speaking to me. That I don’t need to just get a audible word from a message preached for it to be the only way God can speak to me.

    Each morning as I read the word and meditate on it, it speaks to me and I hear him.. Sometimes as a Child of God we just need the confirmation from those who are more mature in the faith to tell us “you are on the right path and you are not hallucinating”.

    Thank you Patrick for the good work you are doing, you stand on a platform and your message is reaching many souls. Each morning after I read I share it with my friends and as time goes by I am sure the list will grow.
    Only yesterday my son said he was now sharing with is girlfriend. I am sure many more will become a part of this chain message for the Glory of God.

    Thank you very much and God bless you.

    1. Sharon, thank you for the feedback and those kind words. We are always encouraged to hear what the Lord is doing by His Word through these devotionals. We will keep you in prayers and keep the fire burning! Patrick

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