How to Touch God and Provoke a Miracle

And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment  (Matthew 9:20 KJV)

To touch God is to contact Him and come under the influence of His presence and power, just as someone comes under the influence of fire if their hand accidentally touches burning coals. But before we can touch God, we must know where to find Him and in what form, since He is not a human being living somewhere today.

The woman who suffered bleeding for 12 years touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, and God’s power healed her instantly. She had the unique eternal privilege of being the few human beings who saw God physically; however, many who saw Him as such did not know they were seeing the Almighty  Jehovah of their forefathers. Today, we do not have the privilege of having Jesus physically with us—but we could still touch Him spiritually.

As I have taught before, we can find God or touch Him in three significant ways today. First,  God is in the hearts of every believer, and we can connect Him through the fellowship of prayer. Second, God is in the Bible as His knowledge, and we can touch Him through knowing His Word, believing it, and acting upon it. Third, we can touch Him through other believers, e.g., a minister with the gift of healing lays hands on you and brings God’s power to touch your body.

If you are waiting for a touch from God and nothing has happened, stop waiting and rather touch Him. God takes delight when we take the initiative to touch Him as the woman with the bleeding did.

Learn how to read the Bible and encounter God! Reading Through the Bible Conference is tomorrow Dec. 18th! Register today, if you have not yet done so, and tune in to get inspired, encouraged and equippped to read the Bible!

What are the three ways you can touch God as described above?

Are you waiting for a miracle, encounter, or breakthrough? He sometimes takes the first step to touch us. However, in most cases, we touch Him to touch us. Stop waiting; arise, and touch the Lord.

Thank the Lord for His presence and power, always abiding with us.

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