Partakers of His Promise in Christ

That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel (Eph. 3:6 KJV)

Parakers of His promise by the Gospel and not the law

God chose Abraham and established a covenant relationship with Him. His blessings and promises were made to the nation of Israel through this Covenant which was established by the giving of the Law.

When God called Abraham, He made a promise to him that “ in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Gen. 12:3 KJV). This was to be fulfilled by the coming of the Messiah, who will bring salvation  with the giving of the Spirit( Gal. 3:14). The Jews were looking forward to the coming of this Messiah, and the blessing He brings. The non-jews( Gentiles)  had no such hope.

However, no human being knew of God’s secret plan which was hidden and revealed by the Spirit to the Apostles. This mystery, now revealed, is that the Gentiles are now partakers of this promise in Christ, just as the Jews. The promises God made to the Jews are now fully available to the Gentiles. He adds the most remarkable clause “ by the Gospel,” that is, by the message of the grace of Christ. The Gentile is not made partakers of these blessings by the Law, but by the Gospel. There is no special Jewish feast you need to keep to partake of any blessing in Christ. You do not have to become a Jew to share in this blessing. Neither do you have to wear a prayer shawl to get your prayers answered. The list of examples continues.The blessing is yours by the Gospel of Grace through faith in your Savior.


Is the Jew saved today in the same way as the Gentile by believing the Gospel and not by TRUSTING in their obedience to the Law? ( Gal. 2:15-16).


Many believers are still falling into the snare of the Law today in trying to do some “Jewish things”  to access some “special blessings” from God just like the Galatians did. We do not need to cause the Apostle Paul to write another letter to the Galatians and put our name or the name of our Church’s name on it! Jesus is enough. Trust in your Savior. Beware of the subtle influences of the Law.


Thank the Lord for His marvelous grace that has brought the promise to you by faith and not by works.

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