The Word and the Spirit
The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life (Job 33:4 KJV)
The Word and the Spirit are like God’s two hands, used to accomplish His will. They operate in tandem, so we must not treat them as distinctly separate.
The scripture above gives us an important clue to this truth. It says the Spirit of God has created me. Many of you know that the Word of God created the world, but some don’t realize that the Spirit of God actually created the world! When you hear the Word, the Spirit is operating behind it. When you see the Spirit operating, a Word from God that has triggered Him to act.
Nothing God does is either “in the Word” or “in the Spirit”, as many often think. The Word and the Spirit are not mutually exclusive. They are the same God, just operating in our lives and interacting with us in different dimensions. The Spirit of the Lord is the One who speaks the Word of God. The Spirit does nothing without God’s Word.
Without the Spirit, the written Word of God is no different from any other religious book. When God speaks the Word, that Word produces results by the Spirit. Let this truth sink into your heart. When you study the Word, there is a tremendous, intimate interaction with the Spirit taking place in you. When you live by the Word, you are walking, and being led, by the Spirit. The Spirit leads you by speaking to the Word to you!
Can you see how the unity of the Word and Spirit was displayed in creation? Think carefully on the scripture above and let the Light shine again in your eyes.
Be conscious of the inseparable unity of the Word and Spirit in everything you do, starting today.
Ask the Spirit of God to help you understand this blessed unity of the Godhead.
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