Sinking in God’s Presence

And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me (Matt. 14:29-30 KJV).

Sinking in God's Presence image


The passage above is the famous story of Peter walking on water. However, when he saw the waves, he began to sink in the presence of Jesus. Jesus had to rescue him immediately by using physical means (Matt. 14:31 KJV.)

Jesus cited doubt as the reason for the failure. Peter had little faith, and he doubted. Doubt is a silent destroyer amongst the believers. It is deadly because it is subtle and easily missed. Jesus did not say that Peter’s problem was unbelief. He said that his problem was doubt. Peter had faith and walked on the water initially. His faith did not leave him when he started sinking. It only got mixed up with doubt.

Ever heard someone say, “I knew I really believed God,” but wonder why they did not get the results they wanted? Faith has to be pure and alone to work. Doubt is a divided heart, believing God and also believing in something else.

Peter believed Jesus’ word to “come” but also believed, as an experienced fisherman, that the waves he saw could potentially kill him. His heart was divided. Doubt is drowning many in the Church who believe, but with divided hearts.

Doubt will make you sink even though you are filled with the Holy Spirit. Feed and grow your faith by the word, and move from little faith to great faith.


Did Jesus also see the waves? Why did Jesus not sink?


If you are not seeing the results of faith that you want, even while knowing you have truly believed, check for doubt. If doubt is present, deal with it by feeding voraciously on God’s Word.


Ask the Lord to help you so that your faith will not fail like Peter’s did on the waters. Pray that you will not lose your miracle because of doubt.

Recommended Reading: Doubt Pollutes Faith

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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