Who will have all men to be saved
Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4 KJV)

The Lord wants to save all men and bring them to the knowledge of the truth. However, not all men will be saved. This verse, therefore, reveals a complex interplay between God’s will and the power of choice He gave to us.
However difficult this might be, it is indeed God’s will that no human being should perish. That is what He wants. Furthermore, there is joy in heaven when one sinner repents and turns to God.
God’s will does not always match our human will. Remember that He created us in His image to be like Him. The authority and power of our free will find their origins from our Source. Could you imagine how powerful we are with the capacity to choose for ourselves even if it goes against God’s will for us? He wants people saved, but some will reject salvation for varied reasons.
We can extend this truth to other aspects of our Christian lives. God wants every Christian full of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, but not everyone will be as He desires. Similarly, He wants us healed, but that does not always occur. Our experience is not always a reflection of His will. It is our responsibility to align ourselves with His will.
Read more: The permissive will of God.
Does God’s will always line up with our will or our experience? Why doesn’t everyone accept Jesus as the Savior as God wants?
Knowing God’s will is a significant step forward. Conforming to that will is where the fundamental problems lie. He wants everyone saved, and it is our job to allow everyone to know and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ask the Father to help you always align your life to His will.
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