Grace Labors Abundantly in and through Us

But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me (1 Corinthians 15:10, KJV)

We are saved by grace, and not by works. This truth is established in scripture. However, this is a common misunderstanding which results from the misapplication of this truth. It may appear as though grace means God has done everything and there is nothing else for us to do. Is this correct? Part of the confusion results from the failure to recognize the two types of works the scriptures have explicitly told us about—”works of the law”, trying by own strength to please God or do His purposes and “good works” which works produced by the operations of  God  working through us to accomplish His purposes. I have written extensively on these two types of works, and you can find devotionals dealing with this topic.

Please take a look at the verse above. Paul says grace made him what he was, yet he was laboring more abundantly than all the other Apostles. Then he adds a remarkable phrase “ yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.” Grace has more works than the law! Grace does not mean there is nothing you have to do. It merely means it is no longer you doing it but God working in and through you. 

The anointing in your life is God’s grace. But you have to spend time with God in prayer and in the Word to get it fully operational in your life. People are saved through grace. But someone has to preach the Gospel for them to be saved. As I mentioned during our last Glory & Grace Live Bible Study, financial grace has made provisions for all our needs, but that does not mean there is nothing to be done. An attitude of giving and diligence to till your ground and harness God ’s ideas and gifts in you to make money will be needed to put that grace to work.

Do you see the pattern? Grace has a lot of work, but it is no longer us working but the grace of God operating powerfully in us. Learn to allow God labor abundantly in you!


What is the difference between the “works of the law” and “good works of grace”?


Christianity is Christ living His life in the believer. This is grace. Grace does not mean there is nothing for us to do. It is not spiritual inertia or inactivity in our part. Do not frustrate the grace of God. Learn to allow  Him labor abundantly in and through you in your daily Christian life and ministry.


Ask the Lord to assist you fully cooperate with the Holy Spirit to produce the works of God.  

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